the main, only character is lying on the ground, below the trees, below the sky, below the moon, having a conversation. he is engaged in a conversation about himself and his dreams. he is having a conversation about himself and his dreams in order to understand his self. he speaks to the moon, and the moon speaks through the wind, or perhaps not at all. perhaps he is only thinking, but as he stares at the moon, he imagines the moon is speaking, too. he imagines the moon is speaking, too, because it is easier to answer to an outside voice than to himself. he does not understand the inner language of his self yet, so he uses a perceived other to probe him from outside. the moon's questions give contour to the borders of his self. the moon's questions find doors and pathways which lead inward, toward the inner geography of his self. the wind caresses the physical border of his self, his skin, separating him from the ground and the leaves and the trees and the moon and also the wind. but in his mind, he is the moon, speaking to him from the sky, so he is not separate at all, because he speaks through the moon, and he touches his own skin with the wind. the moon asks him who he is, and he cannot answer, because he does not know. his lips open to respond, by instinct, but he has no sounds to push through his mouth. his eyes are open. he has been staring at the moon for some time. the moon thinks for a second, strategizing some other way to know this person. the moon asks "what do you dream of?" this time, he is not dumbstruck. he recalls his dreams in his mind, brief fragments of dream memory, from the previous night, as well as recurring images, scenes that have played out many times in the sleepy theatre of his mind. he is having sex with a beautiful girl. he is a passenger in a car driving on an endless highway, towards a vague but pressing destination. the driver has been his mother, an ex-girlfriend, and a shadowed figure, obscured by his mind. he is bathed in feathers and light. he is thrown into the water. he is sitting on a hill, overlooking an endless landscape, in a place he has never been. he opens his eyes, and the moon is silent.
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